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Epionce  滋潤潔面乳
適合 #乾性 #敏感性 #中性皮膚


有效舒緩 #玫瑰疹 及其他皮膚疾病

Milky lotion cleanser 170ml

SKU: 715510
HK$350.00 Regular Price
HK$280.00Sale Price
Color: White
  • Refund Terms

    1. Refund is not accepted when order is in the status of "shipped" and "preparation in progress"

    2. Refund when order is not yet progress and in the status of  "payment accepted" will occur 20% admin fee or HK$100 (which ever higher)

    3. Refund currency will be the same as the currency use in payment of the order

    4. Refund by PayPal

    5. We reserve right on the final decesion

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