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萃取多種歐洲草本精華而成,當中蘊含早在歐洲古時已被廣泛視為紓敏良方的金盞花萃取物及雷公根成分,即使敏感性肌膚亦能在潔面過程中得到紓緩。其不繃緊溫和配方,能保護皮膚免受自由基傷害,並可幫助平衡肌膚。• 潔淨毛孔污垢及清除多餘油脂• 卸除輕妝及防曬品殘餘物,• 紓緩肌膚刺激和不適,減低紅印形成,使肌膚保持水油平衡

Extracted from a variety of European herbal extracts, it contains calendula extract and Rhizoma Rhizoma which have been widely regarded as a good remedy for allergies in Europe in ancient times. Even sensitive skin can be relieved during the cleansing process. Its non-tightening and gentle formula protects the skin from free radical damage and helps to balance the skin.

•    Cleans pores and removes excess oil
•    Remove light makeup and sunscreen residue,
•    Relieves skin irritation and discomfort, reduces the formation of red marks, and maintains moisture balance in the skin

Herbal Balance Cleanser 草本平衡潔面乳 150ml

  • 早晚使用。取出適量潔面乳塗抹於微濕的臉部及頸部,輕輕打圈按摩,然後以清水洗淨,再抹上同系列之草本平衡調膚水,令紓緩效果更理想。

  • 金盞花萃取物 - 有效減低紅印的形成、紓緩肌膚刺激和不適。
    雷公根萃取物 - 強化毛細管壁,有效調節及紓緩肌膚。

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